CSC Constitution


The role of the Campus Sustainability Council is to provide funding to registered student organizations at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) for programs and events that create, implement, and monitor environmentally sound practices on campus as established through the protocol outlined in the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus. These organizations additionally facilitate greater collaboration between students, the administration, staff, faculty, and the community. The goal of the CSC is to increase sustainability on the UC campus while fostering a beneficial learning experience for students in writing grants and implementing ideas into projects.



In the Spring of 2003, the Student Environmental Center was instrumental in getting Ballot Measure 9: Campus Sustainability Programs Fee passed. This ballot measure created the Campus Sustainability Council (CSC) ensuring the institutionalization and long term viability of efforts towards campus sustainability funded through a $3 per quarter fee paid by every undergraduate student. In the Spring of 2005, Ballot Measure 14 was passed with an additional $3 per quarter fee added, bringing the total allocation to campus sustainability movements to $6 per quarter, per student.


The Annual Campus Earth Summit strives to bring together a wide variety of people to collectively vision for the future of sustainability on the UCSC campus. The Earth Summits have served as a forum for students, staff, faculty, administration, and the larger Santa Cruz community to collaborate and discuss ways to incorporate sustainability into aspects of campus life and beyond. Breakout group discussions are held on the following topic groups: Green Building & Facilities, Energy, Food Systems, Land, Habitat & Watershed, Green Purchasing, Transportation, Waste Management & Recycling, Water, Social & Environmental Justice, and Academics & Curriculum. The notes from these discussions are compiled to form the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus and are intended to encourage the university to reach environmentally responsible benchmarks in the above topic areas.


The Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus is a multi-use, evolving document that strives to encompass the current visions of students, faculty, staff, and community members that have come together to share their ideas and goals for the future of the UCSC at the Annual Campus Earth Summit event. This document is meant to serve as a launching point for students to create meaningful, collaborative projects on campus that inspire lasting change.

The Blueprint acts as a guiding document for student organizations interested in receiving funding from the Campus Sustainability Council.


The Campus Sustainability Council shall only fund a group of students registered under SOAR, Student Media, OPERS, a college, or a department. Additional groups may be funded, on a case- by-case basis, at the present council's discretion. The CSC shall define a registered student organization as a group of students that meet the following: · A group of a minimum of four students that demonstrate a high level of governance over their project implementation, · A clear internal structure of meeting times and locations, student positions, and responsibilities for the organization's membership regarding campus fiscal procedures, · Regular meetings sufficient to facilitate informed member participation in decisions, · A UCSC unit that agrees to serve as the sponsor and administrator of the organization's funds that understands and is accountable to the responsibilities of the position, · An updated document on file with the sponsoring unit that describes clear goals and objectives for the organization, its membership, decision-making processes, amendments, and the election/selection procedures of authorized representatives, · Students must remain the primary source of innovation, direction, and implementation of all projects. This discretionary funding is possible under the language of the ballot measure, specifically: "The CSC shall have full and sole decision-making power over all funding allocation and programming decisions so long as those decisions are consistent with SUA and University policy and the law."


SECTION 3.1 – COMPLIANCE WITH UCSC The Authorized Representatives and members of this organization: · Accept responsibility for compliance with University policies and campus regulations. · Shall abide by the provisions of the anti-hazing statutes in the California Education Code or Penal Code (as amended by SB 1454, effective January 1, 2007). · Affirm that the rules, regulations and policies of the University of California and UCSC shall supersede the rules, regulations, policies and/or bylaws of any affiliated international, national, regional or local organization. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP


The CSC shall consist of one undergraduate representative for each respective College, two community representatives who are alumni to UCSC and /or CSC, one representative from the Student Union Assembly, and one representative from the Student Committee on Committees (SCOC). In the event that no community representatives are interested in a voting role on the Council at the time of formation, the CSC formation committee may appoint additional undergraduate representation at their discretion. This means at maximum there are 14 seats and no fewer than 8 seats to ensure a representative council. Each member must commit for the full school year. Council member representation can be changed by amendment.


The appointment process must be completed within the first five weeks of Fall Quarter each year. Informational orientations shall be held to introduce prospective members to the CSC, and applicants will fill out a Member Questionnaire. Recruitment for the next academic year’s council members will begin no later than the last three weeks of spring quarter, and the first three weeks of next fall, as necessary. Interviews shall be held for the prospective members, and interviewers will be the Appointment Committee. The previous council will vote in an Appointment Committee that will consist of a minimum of 2 members who were part of the previous council in the previous spring quarter who can remain in contact and meet as necessary with other members of the Appointment Committee over the summer. They will be held accountable for the responsibilities of membership continuity. The interviewers shall make a list of criteria to evaluate applicants, and record notes from the meeting. The Appointment Committee will approve new members by a majority vote and will sign the Appointment Form and be sworn in by oath.


Training will begin when new members are appointed. The Appointment Committee will be in charge of structuring the last five weeks of the fall quarter toward training and preparation for Council business. Training shall consist of: · Going over and understanding the Constitution · Membership roles · Familiarizing Members with the Student Organization, Advising, and Resources (SOAR), the Sustainability Office, and all previous student initiated, funded/ focused programs. · Review the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus · Go over funding, budget, and previous allocations · Grant Writing and Proposals


In the event that a member does not abide by the Constitution, membership may be rescinded by a 3/4ths vote of the council. The council member in question shall be notified at least 24 hours in advance at their UCSC email address. He or she will then have a chance to make their case, and be asked to leave the room to allow for further discussion by the other council members.


Members will be appointed under the following terms of office: · Each member shall be appointed for a term of one year, · Student term shall begin in the fourth or fifth week of Fall quarter and end in the last week of Spring quarter, unless voted into the Appointment Committee or continued interest on serving on the council.


All Student members of the CSC must be registered in a minimum of 5 units at UCSC during their term of office, with the exception of community members who are alumni of UCSC, · Students should have at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA at the time of appointment and throughout their term. GPA will be subject to review. · Staff members of CSC must be currently employed by UCSC.

SECTION 4.7 - ATTENDANCE · Members will meet once every week, · Absences and tardiness are cumulative throughout the term and will be addressed by the CSC, · Each member is allowed three (3) absences per quarter. More than three absences will lead to the dismissal of a member, · Three (3) tardies shall be equal to one (1) absence. A tardy is defined as not being present after check-in and/or leaving prior to adjournment without Facilitator approval,


The Program Manager will provide advising and support for the student-initiated and student- governed programs of the Campus Sustainability Council, along with the Student Environmental Center and Education for Sustainable Living Program, in conjunction with Fiscal Management. Responsibilities include: · Advising & Oversight · Leadership Development · Administration · Financial Management · Supervision · Other Duties as Assigned



All currently registered UCSC students, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, or physical ability interested in the purpose of this organization, are eligible for membership appointment. Only appointed members can vote. Voting members shall: · make an informed vote on proposed projects, · remain objective, · maintain the integrity of the body, · uphold all standards both ethically and as outlined in this document.


A quorum (50%+1) of the CSC must be established to vote. Thumbs up will signify a “yes” vote, thumbs down will signify a “no” vote, and thumbs sideways will signify an “abstained” vote. If a member is deemed to have a conflict of interest in voting, he or she will still count towards quorum. Before the meeting, he or she must inform the council about abstaining from voting, and then abstain upon the meeting.


Members of the CSC must keep conflicts of interest to a minimum and maintain transparency. Each council member must inform the council of their level of involvement in any campus group and grant proposals. Failure to disclose any of the above information may result in the removal of a member.


Each CSC member is required to regularly attend meetings and evaluate each proposal fairly and objectively. Each member is assigned a duty, based on the individual member's skills and commitments, by a majority vote of the council. The council shall have the freedom to decide whether to assign these roles to specific people, teams, and/or to rotate them around the council. These administrative positions are skills that each member should develop so most members shall partake in group decision-making. · Note taker: One (1) member will document the minutes of each meeting. These include the date, time, and location of each meeting, the names of the attendees, important points of discussion and decisions, any motions made to vote, and the next steps for the following meeting. The note taker shall be responsible for making the notes available to the public online. If the note taker is to be absent, it is the note takers responsibility to contact another member to be the note taker for that meeting. · Facilitator: One (1) member will create the agenda for the meeting, making it available online at least 24 hours before the meeting takes place. He or she will lead the discussion of the meeting, and make sure every person's concerns are voiced. The facilitator will be part of the CSC Steering Committee. He or she may create the agenda and present at each meeting with the help of Steering Committee or other relevant persons · Fiscal Coordinator: One (1) to three (3) members will be knowledgeable of the CSC budget, record keeping procedures, and reporting processes for the organization. He or she will create the draft compilation budget proposal for the council during funding allocation rounds. The coordinator is responsible for making the financial system of the organization transparent to the rest of the council and the public. · Outreach Coordinator: One (1) to three (3) members shall organize outreach events for prospective council members and organizations seeking funding. The coordinator shall additionally arrange for CSC events that facilitate collaboration and communication with the council's grantees. · STEVO Representative: One (1) to two (2) members shall for a year term serve on the Staff Evolution Subcommittee, meeting as necessary with the career staff, Earth Summit Coordinator, the Student Environmental Center, Education for a Sustainable Living Program, and the SOAR director. The representative shall assist in clarifying roles and responsibilities of staff within the campus sustainability movement and beyond. · Bi-monthly Representative: One (1) who shall represent CSC on the bi-monthly committee to discuss collaborative work between Enviroslug Organizations and aid in the planning of retreats. · Webmaster/ Email Facilitator: One (1) member who shall update the website with funding rounds and other events. They will be accountable for ensuring the CSC responds in a timely fashion to email inquiries and requests, as well as drafting emails for review prior

to the weekly meeting when possible. They will also make sure all proper documentation is available to the public. · Historian: One (1) to two (2) members who will be in charge of keeping record all of the council’s documents, all records of involvement in student organizations, and all records of ongoing or past projects. ARTICLE VII. REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPOSED PROJECTS The CSC shall vote by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote to allocate funding to an organization and by a majority vote to decide basic operations. It requires at least (50%)+ 1 quorum before doing so. In evaluating proposals, it weighs the following criteria before voting: · Implementation and impact: Student organizations should strive for a tangible impact on sustainability around campus, foster communication amongst environmental organizations on campus, and perform hands-on work to make UCSC more sustainable. · Staff-student relationship: Staff can be involved in a student organization either as a fiscal sponsor, who must be designated as such within the organization's application for funding, or as a general advisor to the students. A committed staff advisor is helpful for guiding students and retaining institutional memory for the project. However, the key issue for the CSC is the nature of the relationship between the staff and students. The staffs’ role is to aid students and/or delegate authority. The project must be student-driven and able to adapt according to student vision and needs. CSC funding is a learning experience for future grant-writing students, and their maintained leadership in the organization is essential to the learning process. · Relevance to blueprint: The council shall diversify its impact on UCSC sustainability by funding student organizations relevant to the topic areas discussed by the different working groups within the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus. Organizations seeking funding must be able to refer back to their mission and impact in such a way that is relevant to one or more of these topic areas. · Knowledge sharing: An important goal of the CSC is to fund projects that will tread new ground in innovative ways, and be able to provide information regarding their success to CSC. Funded projects are required to present their results back to CSC and are encouraged to attend the Earth Summit. · Longevity: The CSC seeks to fund projects and organizations with a sense of longevity. At least one signer of the proposal must be a continuing student who will be available for contact for the duration of the grant. · Professionalism of proposal: The layout and detail in a project's proposal is a key factor in the decision of the CSC to grant funding. There is to be: o A clear budget, accounting for possible future expenditures, and notification of budget changes, o A logical and clear action plan, o A timeline to achieve the specified goals of the project in a realistic amount of time.

· Leadership: The quality of the leadership of the project is additionally an important factor in determining whether to grant funding. o Students should convey their commitment to the project, o Students must explain any past experience in utilizing funding for a project, o All signers are to demonstrate a sense of responsibility and be readily contactable.



CSC will be transparent and accountable to the student body, and therefore will make all its records available to the public via the CSC website: CSC must keep record of: · Agendas and minutes of all meetings, · Complete records of monetary accounts and transactions per audit, · Complete record of projects selected each year and the funds allocated to each, · Complete expenditure reports and evaluations from recipients of CSC monies.



Fiscal Sponsor: The fiscal sponsor shall be a staff member acting as the manager of the student organization's funds. The sponsor is an administrative unit that accepts responsibility for overseeing the transfer and use of funds. The sponsor ensures that security and risk concerns are addressed and all applicable laws and university regulations and policies are followed using due diligence.


Collaboration: Staff advisors or non-student mentors for the project filling roles distinct from the fiscal sponsor, play a critical role in aiding the student organizations throughout the grant process and execution of the project. Their role is to: · help elaborate upon the organization's ideas to produce a concise and implementable action plan · monitor and advise the organization through the grant process and the project execution · be a readily available resource that the CSC can utilize to inquire about and gauge the organization's performance While this role is important, the students themselves must remain the primary source of innovation, direction, and implementation of the project.


Sustainability: Meeting our own needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, particularly with regard to use and waste of natural resource Sustainable practices support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. Sustainability presumes that resources are finite, and should be used conservatively and wisely with a view to

long-term priorities and consequences of the ways in which resources are used. (Brundtland Commission, 1983)


Any change can be made to the Governing Protocol by the CSC, in accordance with the procedures outlined within the Decision-making Protocols, with a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Changes to the protocol should have the date of when the change, addition, or deletion was ratified, and the person(s) who authored the change. A digital copy shall be made of the unchanged document whenever a change is ratified.


This Constitution was approved on November 4, 2013 by the 2014-2015 CSC body