Should We Apply?

The Campus Sustainability Council shall only fund a group of students registered under SOAR, Student Media, OPERS, a college, or a department. Additional groups may be funded on a case-by-case basis at the present council’s discretion. The CSC shall define a registered student organization as a group of students that meet the following:

  • A group of a minimum of four undergraduate students that demonstrate a high level of governance over their project implementation,

  • A clear internal structure of meeting times and locations, student positions, and responsibilities for the organization's membership regarding campus fiscal procedures,

  • Regular meetings sufficient to facilitate informed member participation in decisions,

  • A UCSC unit that agrees to serve as the sponsor and administrator of the organization's funds that understands and is accountable to the responsibilities of the position,

  • An updated document on file with the sponsoring unit that describes clear goals and objectives for the organization, its membership, decision-making processes, amendments, and the election/selection procedures of authorized representatives,

  • Students must remain the primary source of innovation, direction, and implementation of all projects.

  • Relevancy to the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus 


This discretionary funding is possible under the language of the ballot measure, specifically: “The CSC shall have full and sole decision-making power over all funding allocation and programming decisions so long as those decisions are consistent with SUA and University policy and the law.”