Should We Apply?
The Campus Sustainability Council shall only fund a group of students registered under SOAR, Student Media, OPERS, a college, or a department. Additional groups may be funded on a case-by-case basis at the present council’s discretion. The CSC shall define a registered student organization as a group of students that meet the following:
A group of a minimum of four undergraduate students that demonstrate a high level of governance over their project implementation,
A clear internal structure of meeting times and locations, student positions, and responsibilities for the organization's membership regarding campus fiscal procedures,
Regular meetings sufficient to facilitate informed member participation in decisions,
A UCSC unit that agrees to serve as the sponsor and administrator of the organization's funds that understands and is accountable to the responsibilities of the position,
An updated document on file with the sponsoring unit that describes clear goals and objectives for the organization, its membership, decision-making processes, amendments, and the election/selection procedures of authorized representatives,
Students must remain the primary source of innovation, direction, and implementation of all projects.
Relevancy to the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus